Career Profile

Master's Degree in Modern Languages for Communication and International Cooperation with distinction. Study experience in Ukraine, Italy, Austria, Germany. Bachelor and Master studies at the Università degli Studi di Padova in Italy have been enriched by 3 Erasmus periods abroad of which 7 months at Universität Wien, 5 months at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and 5 at Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck; 1 Erasmus Traineeship accompanied by the "Mille e una Lode" scholarship at the inlingua Sprachschule, foreign language school in Aachen, Germany. Experience of working as a translator, interpreter, front and back office in Italy.


Research Assistant

Jun 2020 - Ongoing
Chair of History, Theory and Ethics in Medicine, RWTH Aachen University

Front and Back Office Employee

Feb 2020 - May 2020
Inlingua Aachen

Voluntary Collaboration

May 2019 - Jun 2019
Honorary Consulate of Ukraine

Translating and interpreting to and from Ukrainian, Russian, Italian and English; management of relations with Ukrainian citizens and of projects between Italy and Ukraine; writing advertising material and official letters in Italian, Russian and Ukrainian; market research.

Post-graduate Trainee

Nov 2018 - Feb 2019
Inlingua Aachen

Training in foreign language teaching, teaching of Russian language, organization of school events as well as customer management (front office and back office). Post-graduate internship with the merit scholarship of the University of Padua.

Writer and Translator

Jul 2017 - Jan 2019
Meeting Halfway Magazine

Publication of articles in Ukrainian and their translation into English and Italian.

Translator it-ua

Sep 2018
Tribunal of Padua

Occasional work consisting in translation of judicial documents from Italian into Ukrainian for the Court of Padua.

Front Office Assistant

Mar 2018 - Jul 2018
University of Padua

Student collaboration at the Museum of Geology and Paleontology. Main responsabilities consisted in protection of the museum's heritage, welcoming and guiding the visitors, management of reports and complaints.

Interpreter and Receptionist

Aug 2017 - Oct 2017
GB Thermae Hotels

Interpretation of medical visits from Ukrainian and Russian into Italian and vice versa. Translation of the menus and brochures from Italian into Russian, English and German. Front and back office assistance.

Linguistic Mediator en-it/it-en

Nov 2016
International Congress "From cells to cell products: development of new therapeutic tools"

Skills & Proficiency



Public Relations

Communication Techniques